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Stencils for walls
Our bathroom renovation was recently completed, and only the hallway remained untouched, which, by the way, is quite spacious. We put the rest of the apartment in order last year. After that, there was practically no money left in the accounts. During the renovation, the wallpaper in the hallway was badly damaged, and I still couldn't find the money for new ones, especially since the walls would have to be leveled for wallpaper, which in our five-story buildings are very far from perfect.
Peeling off the old wallpaper, we saw more than just an uneven wall. It was covered in rough remnants of old plaster, potholes, scratches and chips. And then my wife came up with a brilliant idea: to paint everything as it is with paint and decorate all the irregularities with stencils. At that time, when I heard the word stencil, only a ruler with letters and wavy lines appeared in front of my eyes, which I drew with a pen and threw away back in school. When I arrived at the store, I was just amazed! It turns out that stencils for walls are now being sold, ranging from a small A4 drawing to huge paintings of various styles and trends.
My eyes just ran away, not to mention my wife. Moreover, the choice is so huge that I had to stay in the store for two hours, figuring out how and where better to apply the drawing. Conveniently, probes are provided for a large stencil. And you can train on small areas of the wall, although there is nothing difficult to apply. As a result, we chose a stencil not only for the hallway, but also for the bedroom. The price, by the way, pleased me the most. For a half–wall masterpiece in the shape of Ganesha, the Indian god, I gave only 700 rubles. I also had to buy a 2-liter can of paint and a couple of rollers. In general, I spent 1800 on everything about everything. Very budget friendly and effortless. First, the walls were painted light yellow. Three days later, we decided to try to glue the probe in the place where the bedside table will be. I had to sweat on the first couple, because the stencil did not want to lie flat and wrinkles appeared.
But you can't explain to your wife that you can't see behind the bedside table. She demanded to do everything perfectly. Painted, removed. We didn't wait long enough for the paint to dry, when we peeled off the stencil, some of the paint particles came off a little. Big Ganesha was glued together. They also puffed for quite a long time, but they pasted it smoothly and neatly. They were painted brown and golden. It turned out great. Fortunately, the instructions describe in detail how and what to do. My wife and I liked the result. I think, at minimal cost, this is the best design option. It looks unusual, and most importantly, the irregularities and scuffs of the old wall are hidden behind the ornate pattern. https://bitcoinbetsport.com/
Peeling off the old wallpaper, we saw more than just an uneven wall. It was covered in rough remnants of old plaster, potholes, scratches and chips. And then my wife came up with a brilliant idea: to paint everything as it is with paint and decorate all the irregularities with stencils. At that time, when I heard the word stencil, only a ruler with letters and wavy lines appeared in front of my eyes, which I drew with a pen and threw away back in school. When I arrived at the store, I was just amazed! It turns out that stencils for walls are now being sold, ranging from a small A4 drawing to huge paintings of various styles and trends.
My eyes just ran away, not to mention my wife. Moreover, the choice is so huge that I had to stay in the store for two hours, figuring out how and where better to apply the drawing. Conveniently, probes are provided for a large stencil. And you can train on small areas of the wall, although there is nothing difficult to apply. As a result, we chose a stencil not only for the hallway, but also for the bedroom. The price, by the way, pleased me the most. For a half–wall masterpiece in the shape of Ganesha, the Indian god, I gave only 700 rubles. I also had to buy a 2-liter can of paint and a couple of rollers. In general, I spent 1800 on everything about everything. Very budget friendly and effortless. First, the walls were painted light yellow. Three days later, we decided to try to glue the probe in the place where the bedside table will be. I had to sweat on the first couple, because the stencil did not want to lie flat and wrinkles appeared.
But you can't explain to your wife that you can't see behind the bedside table. She demanded to do everything perfectly. Painted, removed. We didn't wait long enough for the paint to dry, when we peeled off the stencil, some of the paint particles came off a little. Big Ganesha was glued together. They also puffed for quite a long time, but they pasted it smoothly and neatly. They were painted brown and golden. It turned out great. Fortunately, the instructions describe in detail how and what to do. My wife and I liked the result. I think, at minimal cost, this is the best design option. It looks unusual, and most importantly, the irregularities and scuffs of the old wall are hidden behind the ornate pattern. https://bitcoinbetsport.com/
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